okeh, mari dimulai dengan memaki hal yang tak jelas, Fuck!
Aneh bin ajaib,... aku dan dia bisa menjadi bahan gunjingan di komunitas ini. Padahal aku dan dia tidak lebih dari hanya sebatas sahabat dekat, namun yach, biazaa status kelamin yang berbeda membuat orang-orang sekitar syirik, iri, dengki, atau bisa saja memfitnah hubungan friendship ini. Jelas mungkin saja mereka secara individu memiliki rasa suka terhadap dia, melebihi rasa persahabatanku terhadap dia. Aku bisa saja menganggap itu biasa karena mereka secara individu juga lelaki, dan wajar memandang berbeda hubungan persahabatan ini, terlebih aku ... yang notabene hanya lelaki biasa namun mampu menyentuh sisi wanitanya secara halus.
Another chance to say... fuck (pointing two mid-fingers up),
Opportunity to work may be loss as the new year of 2009 begins, and so, should I afraid of that? surely not, and why... because 'the shit' is not only stuck from one place. However, end-is-the-starts of the new things,.. try something different with new atmosphere, new challenge, new friendship, and may be new fuckin' enemy!!
OR, somepeople seek for Government Civil Officer, while me always trying to offend that position, other people seek for that intending to have guaranteed full-life-income. For all those hopes... I really don't want to put all my dreams in such a hopeless. PNS in my opinion, will only lead me to a total-locked-cirlce, with small opprtunity to develop myself. It also lock me to explore the various mercy from Allah Swt in thizz whole world. I want to be anywhere in thizz world.
but what will be the source of income? nice question but as long as my brain still work, Insya Allah there will be the way to have so... Haqqul Yaqin Insya Allah...
Time to clear the throat... eehhhmmm eeehhmmm eehhmmm....,
Keep learning and Enjoy thizzz short life!
Shit will never end!
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